Monday, September 12, 2011

Regan herself

Regan needs to construct her own life. Liam needs her help, but sometimes she is so worried about him that she doesn't treat herself. Luna herself commented that Regan needs to put 'some color in your life'. She said this when they were talking about Luna's/Regan's clothes, but Luna meant more than just the clothes...


  1. While I agree, I also feel that she's doing the right thing. Liam is in a much tuffer situation and he really needs Regan. Without her, I don't know how he'd manage. I think Regan understands that pretty well, which is good. This connection is all Liam has to hold on to.

  2. I think that Regan can support Liam and have fun. And even if Liam is in a tougher spot that Regan, he could still cut her a bit of slack, because he does have Teri Lynn. Also, Regan is torn because she wants Liam to cope for a bit on his own, but at the same time she feels obligated to be there for him.

  3. Yeah, Josie's right. I think Regan wants her brother (or sister...) to be happy, and she feels obligated to help because she is the only one that he told. I think she's a really good sister for doing all this, but it shouldn't be completely her responsibility to support Luna. At least there's Teri Lynn, but the Regan's the only one in person to help with the physical stuff and pressing immediate emotional issues. And to keep Liam from commiting suicide.
