Wednesday, September 14, 2011


After reading what we were supposed to read, I think that maybe their dad is trying to be a good father, but he just doesn't know how, and he wouldn't know how to support or deal with Liam/Luna. He tries to get Liam interested in sports because he thinks that's what she would want, because that's what he wants, and that's what he would've wanted. He just wants his son to be normal and what he thinks is best for him. I think he should be more supportive of what Luna wants, and accept her for who she is, but he can't without knowing. Even knowing, he'll probably have problems because he seems kind of old-fashioned or sexist in his views, but in the end he tries to be a good dad to his children.


  1. I agree but maybe if he knoew then maybe he would be able to comunicate better with Liam.

  2. Knoew? I agree as well. If Liam ever tells. the dad will be so confused and unsure what to do.

  3. I agree also because he is very steriotypical and really jsut wants Laim to be a macho boy.

  4. Yeah, maybe. It would be really hard for him to deal with, but in the end I think he at least thinks this is for Liam's own good.

  5. At least Liam's dad is doing this intentionally to try to *help* Liam, not hurt him. It'd be worse if that was the case.
