Thursday, September 22, 2011


Who else thinks that Re is a great sister to Liam the way she stands up for him, how she loves him no matter who he is, and understands and helps him with the things his dad doesnt.

1 comment:

  1. She definitely understands Liam better than anyone else, but this is probably due (a lot) to the fact that Liam tells Regan *everything.* Not one thing goes in and out Liam's mind without him telling Regan about it. This being said, Regan know's how to respond better and help Liam recuperate more.

    Still, though. Even if Liam's dad knew the entire truth, I don't exactly think he'd be entirely accepting... in fact, if Liam had been outrightly honest, I don't know what would have happened to Liam's desire to be a girl had he bluntly told his dad when we was younger (simply because he didn't know any better). Would his dad have taken him to therapy, understood (yea right), kicked him out, or something else? Just a thought (and a long one, too).
