Thursday, September 29, 2011

Liam is selfish

When Regan was screaming at Liam, I didn't think it was that bad. I mean, she had to get it out of her system somehow, and that was probably the best way. She didn't have to slam him against the wall, though. Liam has been taking away Regan's life all this time, and then the one time she gets a fun date all to herself, Liam comes in and ruins her happy mood. Well, actually she wasn't that happy during those moments, but oh well, that's the point. And then Liam still expected her to go shopping with him!!!!!!! What type of person is he???????????????


  1. Yeah, maybe. But do you really think she actually slammed him against the wall? I'm just curious because I took that figuratively, like she slammed him against the wall by what she said or something. More like emotionally and not physically. I do agree, though, that Liam expecting her to go shopping with him even though she was so mad was a little strange. I still think Regan overreacted though, because maybe before this Liam took advantage of her, but this time she couldn't really blame him completely because he wouldn't even have been at the Matera's if she hadn't told him to. So I blame her for that. But maybe she just exploded now because she was so mad for all the stuff before now and now that she just let it all out at that moment.

  2. I don't know... Liam has it tough, and without Regan there to be his backbone, I don't know how well off he'd be. Liam really needs Regan there for him, and I think Regan took that on nicely. While sure, Regan had the right to yell at Liam for what he did, that's something that doesn't need to carry on forever in their relationship. Liam drew a short straw, and Regan drew a somewhat longer one, so she needs to be there for him. It's the position she received as loving sister.

  3. I also agree with Ashley that it would have been smarter for Regan to say "Sorry, David, I have a date, so I can't make it tonight..." or "Can my brother watch the kids?"

    Because I walk my neighbors Dachshunds, and I would never want to something behind her back, in fear of it backfiring.

  4. Exactly. Those things are the sort of plans in books and movies and they never go well. At least not in books and movies.

  5. Yup, those typical things where the audience shakes their head and knows *exactly* what's going to happen occur a lot to put a spin on things I guess.
