Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I researched transgender symbol on google and found lots of butterfly stuff. I wonder if that has any significance and relation to the book.
~Maddy B

Transgender 9 year old
this is an site about a 9 year old girl who once was a guy
~Maddy B

Transgender symbol and flag

AGAIN with the timing

I was wondering why Liam waited to tell Regan that he was going to Seattle until the morning of the trip. Do you think she would have tried to stop him?

Behind the Story.

I read that when Julie Ann Peters was looking for something to write that she had dreams about Luna coming to her and telling her, her story and so she wrote the story based on this. Cool Huh?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Butterfly Correlation

Did anyone catch the connection of Regan feeling "light as a butterfly" or whatever at the end? Maybe as a connection to the cover's butterfly? Like the butterfly on the cover is Regan watching over the new Liam (Luna)?

Parents after the ending

what do you think the parent's reactions when they find out Luna left?? What will Luna look like?
I keep imagining her with blond hair...

Monday, October 3, 2011


The ending was so awesome! It was like a happy ending, but not in the boring, "and they all lived happily ever after" way. And it didn't sew everything up, but it also wasn't a cliff-hanger. We could actually write to her about some sort of small sequel-like saying what Luna looks like, what happens with the dad, Regan's date, and so on. And the good thing is that Regan can start exploring her life now with her brother taken care of...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Luna Reviews

Here are some reviews on the book, I found.


Summary - Based on 408 reviews



3 stars

4 stars

5 stars

What people are saying

"Amazing writing--catching the nuances, very well done."
"The ending of the book seems realistic."
"Last LUNA has the best plot ever and I rated a 5 star!"
1. Groundbreaking book about a transgender teen. Peters did her research when writing this book, and she tried to reflect as accurately as possible the transition process experienced by many transsexual teens. Good read. Heart-wrenching at times, but a good read.
2. (This was a really long review so here is the ending) FINALLY --- My overall impression of this book was that she has a very shallow understanding of what being trans is all about. It's not about cross-dressing! The cross-dressing is incidental! Maybe it's just that I'm hypersensitive about this stuff or maybe it's the author's fault for not leading me through with understandable descriptions of Luna herself (or Peter's tendency to refer to Luna as "he" and continually highlight her maleness --- a mega gaffe) but I could not bring myself to buy this story at all. The queer experience is a many faceted thing, but this book just wasn't that believable. It was like an after-school special without the heartwarming.

End Result?

I. Hate. This. Book.

3.holy wow! this book was amazing! get ready for my gushing, because nothing less will do. Luna confronts head on the issues of growing up as a transgender teen, through the eyes of a sibling. with pitch-perfect pacing and writing, this is a book that will stay with me for a very long time.
i would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. it was excellent.

4.I really wish I could have nicer things to say about the novel, but...The melodrama was so far over the top and so relentless that the novel loses all credibility. I might have even forgiven that if the prose were better, but the style is not very good, and the pacing is off. I was rooting for Luna the whole time, though it wasn't just to escape that over-the-top family, but the novel itself.

There are a lot more reviews if you want to reed them and I got all of these reviews from
~Maddy B